17 January 2014

How to Eat Healthy Part 3 - Refinement

NOTE: This was written before I was vegan and before I was educated on veganism.

Hi everyone, I'm back with my final post of my three part series on How to Eat Healthy!

Here are the first two parts to the series:
How to Eat Healthy - Part 1 Preparation
How to Eat Healthy - Part 2 Construction

The final stage to eating healthy and creating healthy meals is to 'refine' your meals. I guess you would do this while constructing. This stage is about; cutting out junk food and unhealthy things as well as making small changes.

Dressings, sugar and salt should be used to a minimum. They should be simply used to enhance the flavour of your meal. I recommend using extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice and sea salt to season food. Fresh and simple! Stay away from sugar and butter as much as possible.
Remember to also look out for any flavour enhances and unnatural colours. Try to stay well away from these as much as possible. (I will write about this and further explain in the near future).

In terms of making small changes, I recommend trying to cut out certain junk food 'food groups'. For example, cutting out chips, soft drinks or cutting out lollies. If this is difficult then try to replace one item from that 'unhealthy food group' for a healthier alternative, such as replacing lemonade for Lemon water with mint and cucumber. Check out my last blog post for a recipe and step by step photographs!

Eating healthy can be easy, just remember to prepare, construct and refine your healthy meals. Start off slow and simple, then challenge yourself to eliminate as much unhealthy food as possible.

I will leave you with some inspirational pictures, websites and quotes, good luck!

My Instagram: @innerhealthandstyle
Some of my favorite health inspiration Instagrams:


Remember in order to have optimum health and well being its important to exercise as well as eat healthy :)

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