05 January 2014

How to Eat Healthy - Part 1 Preparation

NOTE: This was written before I was vegan and before I was educated on veganism.

There are no set rules when it comes to 'how to eat healthy', however eating healthy is important and should be taken seriously. It can definitely be tricky in knowing where to start and what to do. Here, in this mini series I will teach you what I believe are the basic starting points for eating a nutritionally balanced diet.

The first step to eating healthy is Preparation:

Plan Meals in Advance
It is important to plan your daily and weekly meals in advance in order to get as much nutrients as possible into your diet. It is best to vary your meals, for example try not to eat two meals in a row which are similar or contain similar food groups. Know what you already have in your fridge, freezer and pantry, and know what you need to buy. Making a shopping list is the best way to keep track.

Create a Structured Shopping List
In order to keep your shopping list 'healthy' try to divide your list into the Five Food Groups or nutrient categories. This will make sure that you are consuming enough of each nutrient in your diet. Here is an example below.

If you are unsure of the Five Food Groups click here.

Fruit and Vegetables

  • Mixed frozen berries
  • Mangoes
  • Spinach 
  • Sweet potatoes
Grains and Fiber
  • Legumes
  • Wild/ brown rice
Protein and Dairy
  • Red meats 
  • Almond milk
  • Fresh ricotta
  • Eggs

Prepare Meals in Advance
If you don't have enough time on your hands, a great idea is to make bulk meals in advance, for example you could steam some wild rice which could serve you for three days. This does not mean that you eat this on its own, it allows you to add different vegetables and proteins for a variety of dishes. The freezer is your friend! You can make big batches of soups or pasta sauces which you can freeze for months. They will stay fresh and lock in all of the nutrients. You can do this with vegetables as well, pre-cut them for salads to last you for the week. Here is a link on how long you can safely store food for in the freezer. 

Preparation is one of the most important steps when it comes to eating healthy, so take your time and plan, plan, plan!

Stay tuned for Part 2 of this mini series!

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