04 March 2014

Virgin Australia Melbourne Fashion Festival

I am very excited this month as it is almost fashion week here in Melbourne! I just wanted to inform you that as apart of the lead up to fashion week, 17th-23rd of March, (activities are also running throughout the whole month) I am using the hash-tag, #31daysoffashion on my instagram page, (@innerhealthandstyle) to post a fashion related photograph each day in March. Feel free to join in with me by using the hash-tag as well as tagging me and @vamff. This is a great way for everyone to share their style inspiration throughout the fashion festival month. 

Here are the pictures that I have already posted



Day 1

 Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

I am definitely going to head into the city to take advantage of the workshops, popup stores, runway shows and exhibitions. For more information on this years Virgin Australia Melbourne Fashion Festival click here.

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