13 April 2014

How to: Wash Your Hair Effectively

Hey everyone,

Washing our hair is something that we have done so often that many people don't really think about various techniques to get the most out of your shampoo and conditioner, so today I will tell you how!

Shampoo and Conditioner that I use: Click here for review!

Firstly, I like to wash my hair at the start of my shower routine.

Applying the Shampoo: As the shampoo that I use does not have any 'bad' sulphates (which make the shampoo lather up and essentially multiply the quantity), I like to apply a bit more shampoo than what is normally recommended with other shampoos. I firstly tip my head upside down and apply a 20 cent size amount to the hair at the nape of my neck (this is where a lot of oil builds up). Then I apply the same amount to the crown of my head and my hairline. A mistake that a lot of people make when applying shampoo is that they concentrate it too much on the ends of the hair (which are not as dirty). Shampoo is meant to be used to clean your scalp, so just let the remaining shampoo wash down the lengths of your hair. I use my finger tips to massage the shampoo into may scalp for about 30 seconds to 1 minute, then gently rinse it out using the same massaging technique.

Applying the Conditioner: You can estimate how much conditioner you need to apply depending on the length of your hair. I only apply the conditioner to the 'pony tail of my hair' by massaging it in as conditioner is not essentially made for your scalp. By washing my hair at the start of my shower routine, I am able to leave the conditioner in for as long as possible (so it really works its magic), rinsing it out is the last thing I do before stepping out of the shower.

How often do I wash my hair? I like to wash my hair with shampoo 2-3 times a week and one other time with just conditioner alone. When I don't use shampoo I wash my hair with just water by rinsing it (using the same massaging technique that I would when using shampoo). Even though I have oily hair, using this technique actually reduces the amount of oil your hair produces while still keeping it moisturised, nourished and healthy!

Tip: Cleanse your face after you shampoo and condition your hair because the shampoo and conditioner can get into your pores on your face. Your pores are also wide open at this point so you will get a much thorough cleanse.

I hope these tips are useful for you as they have been for me!